Books aren't written, they're rewritten. Including your own. It is one of the hardest things to accept, especially after the seventh rewrite hasn't quite done it...

                                - Michael Crichton

I have gotten the first set of notes from my first designated reader. Not nearly as bad as I thought it would be; not nearly as bad as it probably should have been either. This reader is a family member. I asked for brutal honesty and I got a very mild version. I didn't really expect too much though, and the comments were in fact very helpful. He caught some grammatical errors and a few typos that I'd missed on my numerous previous passes. 

I've begun the work of incorporating some of the comments I received into the manuscript. I thought about waiting until I received a few more critiques, but decided that I should really get though what I have now. The more I fix now the less I will encounter once the group digs into it. The difficult part is facing another rewrite. I know it's not going to be on the scale of previous ones, but the work ahead is daunting.

I want to be done because I have another story that I'm eager to write.

It's like having a stack of gifts in the middle of my desk, all with my name on them, and not being allowed to open any of them until all of my chores are done. I want to finish my chores, but that pile of presents is just sitting there, waiting. They keep calling out to me to come open them; to discover what all the pretty wrapping is concealing. 

For me, a new story is one of the most exciting journeys to embark upon. Everything is new and the adventure can go anywhere; kind of like riding a rollercoaster in the dark. There are new places to visit and people to meet. I’m giddy with anticipation of the great unknown that awaits me.

I just have to be a good little writer and finish my chores